Greetings & Welcome!
Like many, maybe like yourself, I've watched friends and strangers launch themselves into virtual space through words and pictures, sharing their experiences and insights, providing a window into the way they see the world. And I'm often moved by the shared humanity revealed in the details of someone else's life, so different from my own. Through shared stories, a resonance exists that both draws me outside of myself, and deeper into the reality of my own experience.
Over the last year, I've found myself at a personal crossroads. Accepting that middle age is definitely the space I occupy in the world was part of the transition. The related shifts in my identity as a professional, a spouse, and a mother contributed to the unsettling, and I found myself on a journey moving forward to an unknown destination where stepping off the path was not an option. I'm laughing as I write that, because of course we're all on a journey. Every day, every step, every breath a moment in the moving away from where we've been and the moving toward where we're going.
Life at its core is a process of leaving ourselves behind and becoming something new, with time that strange partner who makes things seem to move both at warp speed and ever so slowly, sometimes in the same heartbeat. There are so many selves we could each become, and we build our future off of each decision in the present moment.
My offerings in this space are reflections on my journey. My own process of still becoming, of continuing to seek the essence of what it means to be me during this time and place in the universe's own journey. And to carry myself along this path, looking for places of respite along the way. Hoping the journey leads to a place of acceptance, to an awareness of being that can embrace all that is beautiful, all that is painful, all that is left unresolved, and call it home.